How to prepare for class
Studio Protocol
Face coverings are optional when entering and exiting the studio and to be with the student during class but are not mandatory to wear in the hot room.
- IMPORTANT: If you are feeling unwell, have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for covid, or have recently tested positive for covid, DO NOT ATTEND CLASS
- Please use our hand-sanitizers upon entering and exiting the studio (located at the front desk and bathrooms).
- Remove your shoes and place them in your own carry bag, or in the cubbies in the studio room. We highly recommend you limit the number of items you bring into the studio.
- Follow the social distancing to the best of your ability, which is no less than 6 feet apart. Give your first and last name to the desk staff or teacher at the desk area and proceed into the studio. Once you arrive in the hot room please remain in savasana until class begins to avoid in/out traffic.
- Our restrooms will be available. However, we kindly ask that you consider personal care necessities prior to attending your class. The restrooms, lobby and hot rooms will be cleaned before and after every class.
- IMPORTANT: Bring your own practice props, including your mat, towels, block, strap, a filled water bottle and mat disinfectant.
- After class, please wipe your practice area, clean and disinfect your mat and your props with disinfectant prior to exiting the studio. Our staff will sanitize the studio once students have exited.
- Please do not congregate in the lobby or cubby area, and practice social distancing in the studio at all times, being mindful of others.
- We have adjusted our regular schedule to increase time between classes, giving us additional time for sanitizing and allowing students from one class to move out before the next group comes in.